Frequently Asked Questions

Here you can get your answers about our dental company,service and more...

General Dentistry


1. Do I really need to have my teeth professionally cleaned?

Yes. Even if you brush and floss after every meal and before bed, bacteria-harboring plaque can accumulate in the tiniest crevices, grooves and pits. Overtime, the teeth will begin to decay in those areas, which may result in pain and partial or total tooth loss.

2. What should I expect at my cleaning?

Your cleaning and consultation will consist of a visible examination of the teeth and gums. You’ll also consult with your dentist about any oral health problems you may have been having or questions that you may have. The cleaning will follow, during which the dentist will use an ultrasonic scaler to remove hardened plaque from your teeth. Finally, your teeth will be polished before your dentist discusses any treatment recommendations he or she may have for you.

3. What types of guidelines should I follow after my visit?

In between dental cleanings and consultations, be sure to maintain good oral habits at home. This includes daily flossing and brushing after meals. It’s also important use a fluoridated toothpaste.

4. Myths and Facts about Professional tooth cleaning

We have one answer for all the non believers.
“We ensure that we undergo scaling and polishing ourselves twice a year every year. If there were so many side effects of scaling – do you really think we would subject ourselves voluntarily ?”
So let’s take a look at the myths and lets shatter them.

MYTH : Scaling makes teeth loose
FACT : Scaling May Actually Help Your Teeth Be More Strongly Held By The Surrounding Gums & Bone.

Have you undergone an extraction or watched a tooth being removed? It requires considerable amount of leverage and force to pull out a firm tooth. Even a tooth which is relatively loose requires some degree of pressure. So do you really think that ultrasonic scaling, in which the tip is barely touching your teeth for a few seconds at a time, can cause tooth loosening?

So why do teeth feel a little loose after scaling? When tartar (calculus) accumulates around your teeth over time, it causes gum disease which in turn causes bone loss and tooth weakening. However because the tartar is so tightly stuck around your teeth- they feel firm. When we remove the stuff that’s holding them together – naturally they will be loose. The tartar made them loose and then held them together ironically. So a lot of patients say – at least it is holding them together so why not leave it in? The reason is – the longer the tartar is in your mouth – the disease is continuing to progress. The gum bleeding, bad breath continues. Therefore to stop the disease it is essential to remove the cause.

In fact after the gum heals a couple of weeks later – the teeth may actually feel firmer.

MYTH : Scaling make teeth sensitive
FACT : Scaling May Actually Prevent Teeth Sensitivity In The Long Run By Preventing Gum Recession And Inflammation.

Imagine you are wearing a jacket/shawl in the winter and suddenly you are asked to remove it. Wouldn’t it make you cold for a few minutes at least till you adjust to the temperature? It would, wouldn’t it? Now imagine your teeth wearing a jacket of tartar for weeks and months and all of a sudden you remove it. Wouldn’t it take your teeth a few days at least to adjust to the new temperatures? It doesn’t mean they have become sensitive – they just need time to recover.
Of course scaling done by untrained hands/outdated machinery can cause prolonged sensitivity. So choose your dentist well.

MYTH : Scaling and polishing is a cosmetic procedure
FACT : Scaling Is Necessary For Gum Health – Therefore It Is Not Merely Cosmetic But Therapeutic Gum Recession And Inflammation.

The cosmetic aspect of scaling ( the removal of stains to make teeth look whiter) is a pleasant side effect. Actually scaling is important for its therapeutic uses. Scaling is essential for gum health. The removal of local irritants improves gum health; increases tooth support, decreases bad breath and gum bleeding.

MYTH : Scaling increases gaps/spaces between teeth
FACT : By Preventing Bone Loss And Gum Disease Scaling May Prevent Opening Up Of Gaps (Caused By Weakened Periodontium Leading To Pathologic Migration).

Like we said before it is not possible to physically move teeth with a scalar. Moreover enamel cannot be cut with this machine either. Therefore obviously scaling cannot cause spacing. Then why do spaces appear post scaling sometime? The gaps exist from much before – however the teeth being covered by yellowish tooth coloured tartar – it appears as if there are no spaces. The moment the disease causing tartar is removed – the spaces reappear.

MYTH : If there is no problem/symptom one does not require scaling
FACT : Almost Everyone Requires Scaling – At Least Once A Year.

The unfortunate part about gum disease is that it almost never pains. There are very few symptoms (like bleeding gums/pus discharge) and often they are mild enough to be missed completely by the patient. So why wait till the disease is so severe that your teeth begin to shake? Besides what is the harm in going for a regular cleaning once every year – definitely only something better can come out of it.

So now what do you want to believe? Rumours spread by people who know only half the story or Facts backed by scientific evidence??

Value your smile. It is worth more than most other possessions.


2. Am I a candidate for tooth-colored fillings?

If you have a cavity, broken tooth, or a deteriorated filling, you may be a candidate for a tooth-colored filling. Schedule a dental consultation to find out if a composite filling is right for you.

3. What should I expect if my dentist decides a composite filling is right for me?

During your visit, your gums and teeth may be anesthetized with a local anesthetic near the site of the filling if the decay is too close to the pulp (nerve). Once the area is numb, the decayed or damaged portion of your teeth will be removed. A series of steps are used to ensure that the composite bonds to the tooth, and then the composite is added to replace the missing tooth structure. The new filling will then be shaped and polished before the procedure is complete.

4. What type of post-treatment care is required after getting a composite filling?

You should be able to return to normal activity and oral care immediately after your visit. It is normal to experience cold sensitivity following the placement of a composite filling.  A quick “zing” with ice water, ice cold pop or ice cream is normal and will improve with time.

Orthodontics or Braces

1. What are Clear Aligners?

Clear Aligners are a comfortable and removable option to braces. It transforms your smile without interfering with your day-to-day life. It is a series of transparent and removable aligners that straighten your teeth. These aligners are lightweight and fit snugly to your teeth. Each aligner provides minor tooth movement. There are multiple sets of aligners that gradually move your teeth and straighten them. Each aligner is worn for 2 weeks and replaced by the next one in the series. You can easily take them out of your teeth.

2. What are the benefits of Clear Aligners?

They are comfortable as there are no metal brackets or wires to irritate the mouth. Being removable, you can eat and drink as per your wish during treatment. Brushing and flossing are also easy. Being transparent the aligners are hardly noticeable. You can also remove them for special occasions.

3. How does it work?

Our dentists will take scans of your teeth at the initial visit. The latest 3D Scanner and printers plan your aligners and customize them to your teeth. The cutting-edge technology fabricates each aligner with precise control. The optimum amount of force to move each tooth is decided beforehand. You can visualize the results beforehand. It takes between 6-15 months to achieve the desired results.

4. What are ceramic braces?

They are made of tooth-coloured material and hence are less visible on your teeth in comparison with metal braces. They are similar to metal braces when it comes to the strength & functionality. Being minimally visible they are preferred by patients as a cosmetic alternative to regular braces.

5. What are lingual braces ?

Unlike traditional braces, in lingual braces, the brackets and wires are placed on the inner surface of the teeth which makes them invisible from outside. These braces are an ideal choice for those who are concerned about their cosmetic appearance during orthodontic treatment. They are customized to the contour of your teeth which makes them comfortable.
At Radiant Smiles, we have an experienced team of Orthodontists who help you achieve the smile of your dreams. Find out which option is best to enhance your smile.

Dental Implants

1. What are Dental Implants?

A Dental Implant is made from titanium. It bonds to the jaw, much like the root of a natural tooth and permanently replaces a lost tooth. Dental implants are suitable to anyone in good general health. They are put in place during a simple and short surgical procedure done under local anesthetic.

2. What is Full-Arch Restoration With Dental Implants?

Not too long ago, the only solution for people who had lost some or all of their teeth was dentures. Dentures could not be permanently fixed in the mouth and were often uncomfortable and cumbersome.

Modern dentistry enables us to replace several or all of the patient’s teeth by anchoring dental implants to a fixed bridge. The end result is natural-looking teeth that allow patients to regain the full function of their mouth.

3. What is Dental Implants For Single Missing Tooth?

In cases where a single tooth and its root are damaged, dental implants offer a fast and easy solution that replaces the tooth with minimum discomfort. As with all of our dental procedures we strive to provide a comfortable and relaxing environment for our dental implant therapy.

4. What is the time frame for dental implants ?

Ideally, dental implant treatment is planned in 2 phases/visits. The first visit will comprise of a thorough dental examination using state of art equipment and in house dental scanning procedure, detailed discussion of treatment plans and procedures. The necessary pre-surgery treatments and procedures will be performed followed by Implant surgery. This phase takes about 7 days
  Your next visit for the 2nd phase is planned after 3 months. It takes about 3 months for the implant site to heal and the implants to integrate with the jaw bone (osseo-integration). The next phase involves exposing the implant site, placing the abutments and implant restorations (crowns/bridge or denture). This visit takes about 10 days to 2 weeks.

5. Single Visit Treatment: Our expert dental surgeons also perform single visit dental implant surgeries. But it is important to understand that the jaw bone conditions have to be favorable to achieve long lasting results. 
Once you share your exact requirements and/or dental x-rays/scans, say over email or whatsapp, we can let you know about the time frame which will help you make appropriate travel plans.

6. Implant care/ warranty/ how long do the implants last ?

Our natural teeth can stay forever but factors like improper care or poor dental hygiene, food habits, smoking, certain health conditions, accidents etc., can cause them to deteriorate and eventually fall off, if not treated at the right time.  Implants mimic the structure and function of natural teeth and should last you for a life time
provided you take good care by maintaining oral hygiene, visiting a dental office atleast once or twice a year for professional clean up.
  We have a very high success ratio for dental implant treatment (about 99%). At our clinic, we provide life time warranty on dental implants from selected brands.

7. Do dental implants have age restrictions and is it safe in for senior citizens?

There is no age bar for implant treatment, only the systemic conditions need to be evaluated. If the jaw bone quality and density are favourable, you are considered as a perfect candidate for dental implant treatment. 
Good Bone structure is all you need to do Dental Implant in any age.

8. What is All on 4?

All on 4 is an alternative treatment to the traditional/conventional implants to replace all missing teeth. It is a technique developed by the Nobel Bio Care company from Sweden.All on 4 is a system to rehabilitate full mouth using only 4 implants and a full arch prosthesis/ full fixed bridge. It is recommended to patients with no teeth (edentulous) or soon to be edentulous patients. 4 implants are placed in each jaws followed by a temporary denture/bridge fixed on the same day. The final restorations are made after 3 to 6 months based on the healing of the gums.
Whether a patient is a candidate for All on 4 or not is a decision made by the dentist after a thorough clinical examination.

9. What is All on 6?

All on 6 is a system to rehabilitate full mouth using 6 implants and a full arch prosthesis/ full fixed bridge. It is recommended to patients with no teeth (edentulous) or soon to be edentulous patients. 6 implants are placed in each jaws followed by a temporary denture/bridge. The final restorations are made after 3 to 6 months based on the healing of the gums.  Whether a patient is a candidate for All on 6 or not is a decision made by the dentist after a thorough clinical examination.

10. Can my child get dental implants?

Dental Implant treatment is best available alternative to missing teeth, but in Adults. It is not a good choice for children as their jaws continues to grow and the development of natural permanent teeth is yet to happen. If dental implants are placed in developing jaw, it may hinder the process of jaw growth and come in the way of the natural teeth to come out. Dental Implants do not move like natural teeth as they lack periodontal ligament which is present in the natural teeth, thereby affecting the final dental development process.  Ideally, implants should be placed after 18 years of age.

11. Are implants safe?

Dental Implant procedure is considered to be safe and has been used for over 4 decades globally.
  A thorough examination of the candidate is a must before confirming the possibility of treatment. This evaluation process minimizes the failure ratio and increases the success rate for the procedure. The most important criteria here is the jaw bone condition i.e. its length and density. More the length and density better are the chances of successful and safe dental implant procedures.  If a patient has allergies to metal, or sever health condition (in such cases, consent from the general practitioner is needed) he may not be able to get dental implants. For such patients procedures like bridges or dentures are alternative treatments.

Root Canal Treatment

Symptoms can vary from tooth sensitivity to sevei'e throbbing pain and swelling.

2. What are the steps in 3 Root Canal Treatment?

1. Rotary endodontics system is used for performing root canal treatment. This saves time and number of sittings required.

2. Depending on the case, a single-sitting root canal can be performed.

3. This is the recommended modality, if the amount of infection around the tooth is minimum and under control.

4. During root canal or endodontic treatment, the inflamed or infected pulp is removed and the inside of the tooth is carefully cleaned and disinfected.

5. It then filled and sealed with a rubber-like material called Gutta percha.

Aesthetic Dentistry

1. Am I a candidate for cosmetic dentistry?

Do you get conscious when you smile? If your answer is yes, you do need a smile correction or makeover. 

You are a candidate of cosmetic dentistry if you have crooked, spaced out, missing, broken or discolored teeth.

You are a candidate of cosmetic dentistry if you have crooked, spaced out, missing, broken or discolored teeth. At Radiant Smiles Dental clinic we can fix your teeth and deliver your dream smile. A good smile improves confidence as well as overall health of teeth and gums.

Gum Surgery

1. What are the Non-surgical procedures for treating Gum diseases?
Root Planing & Subgingival Scaling

Root planing: Root planing is a special cleaning method that removes plaque and tartar (also known as calculus) from under the gumline (in periodontal pockets) and removes toxins on the root surfaces to promote healing. This is done after administration of local anaesthesia so that the patient is subjected to minimum discomfort.

Local Drug Delivery

Antibiotics or antimicrobials (locally/systemically) may be used to supplement the effects of scaling and root planing. In most cases of early gum disease, scaling and root planing in addition to good proper home care will achieve a satisfactory result of treating gum disease.

2. What are the Surgical procedures for treating gum diseases?

Pocket depth reduction procedures : open up the affected gum tissue so that disease-causing bacteria and calculus build-up can be removed. Some cases may require smoothing and re-contouring the damaged bone and root surfaces to allow the gum tissue to reattach to healthy bone during healing. The procedure also repositions the gum tissue so that it is easier to keep clean.

Regeneration : T he affected gum tissue in the same way as in pocket depth reduction procedures, with additional procedures of using membranes and bone grafts to stimulate growth and replace lost periodontal tissues.

Gum recontouring also called gingivoplasty : It is a procedure done to shape the gums by cutting off the excess gum tissue. It is done to correct a gummy smile, where a lot of gum tissue is seen when a person smiles. Though it is a normal variation it makes people conscious while smiling and can be corrected, by gum contouring. Gum contouring is done to expose more tooth structure for one or all of the teeth

Treatment with lasers : At Radiant Smiles Dental clinic, we have the most advanced procedures that use dental lasers to treat gum disease. This is a painless procedure done under local anesthesia and in a single visit.
Our experienced Periodontists will carefully evaluate your needs and recommend a treatment plan that is customized to you.

3. What is Periodontal maintenance / supportive periodontal therapy?

After the completion of periodontal treatment, the patient is scheduled for periodic recalls. This will minimise the chances of recurrence or progression of gum disease.

4. What are the Oral Hygiene Instructions post gum treatments?

Oral hygiene instruction is helpful and educational information to teach and guide our patients to prevent new cavities, and to maintain healthy teeth and gums. At your initial oral hygiene visit, we will instruct you on the proper methods of brushing, flossing or any other oral hygiene practice that needs to be followed. Follow up visits will be scheduled to further assess your progress in maintaining good oral health, and to help review and reinforce techniques of cleaning at home.

Crowns Bridges & Onlays

1. What are Crowns?

A crown is a full coverage restoration that is used on badly damaged teeth, teeth that have had a root canal or on top of a dental implant. It can make your teeth stronger and improve your appearance
Most crowns can last for several years with proper oral hygiene and preventive dental care.

2. What are Bridges ?

A dental bridge is made up of two crowns bonded to an artificial tooth in the middle. These three or four “teeth” form the “bridge” that is bonded into place to solve your missing tooth.
Bridges can also be placed on top of dental implants to replace up to 4 or 5 teeth at one time.

3. What are Onlays ?

Compared to a crown, an onlay is a less aggressive restoration when one can be performed, as less tooth structure needs to be removed in order to place the onlay. Only the damaged structure of the totth along with a little more preparation is needed to fabricate an onlay, thus preserving maximum healthy tooth structure. They are tooth coloured, metal-free and blend with the tooth. As such, an onlay is actually the preferred restoration when possible.


1. What is tooth extraction?

When a tooth cannot be saved, it must be professionally removed through a procedure called tooth extraction.

Simple Extraction

Most teeth which are visible in the mouth can be removed by simple extraction. In this procedure the dentist numbs the area around the tooth with local anaesthesia, loosens the tooth and carefully removes it. It takes a few minutes to complete this treatment.

Surgical Extraction

In complex cases Surgical extractions are done to remove the teeth that are not easily accessible. Such teeth that are difficult to remove must be taken out in pieces. At Radiant smiles the surgical removal of teeth is done by our experienced Oral Surgeons. A surgical extraction may be needed if :

Wisdom Tooth Surgery

1. What problems can arise with an impacted wisdom teeth?

More serious problems such as the formulation of cysts or tumours around an impacted tooth can occur, leading to destruction of the surrounding jawbone and neighbouring teeth. As problems can develop silently without your knowledge, routine dental check- ups are advisable.

2. What is done in a Wisdom tooth surgery/ Disimpaction?

Wisdom tooth surgery is a minor surgical procedure whereby a small incision is made to raise up the gums to access the tooth and bone. The tooth is sectioned , removed and stitches are placed to aid the healing.

3. What can be expected after surgery?

After surgery, some minor bleeding from the wound can be expected, which can be controlled by biting on a piece of gauze over the operated area for about half an hour. Facial swelling and slight bruising can be expected for the next 2 to 3 days.

4. What are post surgical interactions to be followed?

Painkillers, antibiotics and an antiseptic mouthwash are usually prescribed after the surgery. You will be advised to keep a soft diet for a few days following surgery. A printed post-surgical instructions list will be provided and explained in detail.


5. What services does your dental clinic offer?